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View Sample Reports - Professional Level Reference

To order a Professional Level Reference Check, click here.

Confidential Professional Reference Report
Reference Subject: Jim Smith
Position Held: Accountant
Dates of Employment: 3/6/94 - 5/1/98
Reference Checked: Mr. Cliff Jones
V.P., Finance
USA, Inc.
Reference Report Information:
Date Completed: 7/24/98 Title Confirmed? Yes
Consultant: Tiffany Dates of Emp. Confirmed? Yes
Performance Evaluation Questionnaire
Oral Communications: SB Financial Skills: SB
   Written Communications: SB Technical Skills: SB
Interpersonal Relations: SB Productivity: SB
Employee Relations: SB Decision Making: SB
Leadership: SB Crisis Management: SB
Short Term Planning: SB Personal Integrity: SB
Long Term Planning: SB    Overall Performance: SB
Managerial Skills: SB  

NC=No Comment
SB=See Below
NP=Not Applicable
Interview / Correspondence:
Are you able to enthusiastically recommend this person?

"I'm really not supposed to say anything."
Is this person eligible for re-hire within your organization?

"I wouldn't know."
Could you fully describe the circumstances and reason for the separation?

"According to our agreement it was a mutual separation."
Could you describe any strengths and / or weaknesses of this individual?

"I'd rather not comment."
Could you suggest anyone else that I should speak to regarding this individual?

"You probably should speak with the VP of HR. He's handling this."
Additional Notes and Comments:
After leaving several messages for Mr. Jones he was finally available on the eighth attempt. Please note that Mr. Jones was out of the office for one week. Upon explaining the reason for my call, Mr. Jones asked what employee I was calling about. After hearing that it was Mr. Smith, Mr. Jones immediately indicated that my inquiry be referred to HR. After a bit of persistence on my part, Mr. Jones did offer the above comments although he did refuse to comment on the performance evaluation questionnaire. When asked if Mr. Jones' ability to answer these questions was a matter of company policy or specifically directed to Mr. Smith, Mr. Jones became very uncomfortable and stated, "You really need to speak with our VP of HR, Bill Robertson. I just can't say anything else."

To order a Professional Level Reference Check, click here.

Sample Report #2

Confidential Professional Reference Report
Reference Subject: Jim Smith
Position Held: Accountant
Dates of Employment: 3/6/94 - 5/1/98
Reference Checked: Mr. Cliff Jones
V.P., Finance
USA, Inc.
Reference Report Information:
Date Completed: 7/24/98 Title Confirmed? Yes
Consultant: Tiffany Dates of Emp. Confirmed? Yes
Performance Evaluation Questionnaire
Oral Communications: 2 Financial Skills: 4
   Written Communications: 4 Technical Skills: 4
Interpersonal Relations: 2 Productivity: 4
Employee Relations: 2 Decision Making: 3
Leadership: NP Crisis Management: 2+
Short Term Planning: NP Personal Integrity: 3
Long Term Planning: NP    Overall Performance: 3
Managerial Skills: NP  

NC=No Comment
SB=See Below
NP=Not Applicable
Interview / Correspondence:
Are you able to enthusiastically recommend this person?

"Technically, he knows his job well. If the position involved little interaction with other people and he wasn't supervising anyone, then yes."
Is this person eligible for re-hire within your organization?

"I'm not sure. You'd have to ask HR."
Could you fully describe the circumstances and reason for the separation?

"Jim had a personality conflict with one particular co-worker as well as the Manager of Accounting. We agreed that it was better for all if he left. I think that technically he resigned, but I'm not sure."
Could you describe any strengths and / or weaknesses of this individual?

"He's a good accountant, but he has a strong personality and can't control it at times. That can be a strength but also a weakness."
Could you suggest anyone else that I should speak to regarding this individual?

"You can call HR and probably Sue Williams. She's the Manager of Accounting."
Additional Notes and Comments:
On my first attempt to speak with Mr. Jones he was available to take my call. Upon explaining the reason for my call, he agreed to speak with me. His tone was professional. Please note that Mr. Jones felt that the categories in the performance evaluation marked "NP" did not apply to Mr. Smith as it was not a supervisory role. Additionally, Mr. Jones stated, "You must understand that Jim is a good accountant but he needs to learn how to handle professional relationships better. In the right environment, he could progress very well."

To order a Professional Level Reference Check, click here.

Sample Report #3

Confidential Professional Reference Report
Reference Subject: Jim Smith
Position Held: Accountant
Dates of Employment: 3/6/94 - 5/1/98
Reference Checked: Mr. Cliff Jones
V.P., Finance
USA, Inc.
Reference Report Information:
Date Completed: 7/24/98 Title Confirmed? Yes
Consultant: Tiffany Dates of Emp. Confirmed? Yes
Performance Evaluation Questionnaire
Oral Communications: 4 Financial Skills: 5
   Written Communications: 4 Technical Skills: 5
Interpersonal Relations: 4 Productivity: 5
Employee Relations: 4 Decision Making: 4
Leadership: 4 Crisis Management: 4
Short Term Planning: 4 Personal Integrity: 5
Long Term Planning: 4    Overall Performance: 4
Managerial Skills: 4  

NC=No Comment
SB=See Below
NP=Not Applicable
Interview / Correspondence:
Are you able to enthusiastically recommend this person?

"Absolutely. Jim did an outstanding job."
Is this person eligible for re-hire within your organization?

"I don't see why not."
Could you fully describe the circumstances and reason for the separation?

"It was his decision. He wanted to look for other opportunities. I can't blame him. We don't really have a place for him to move up into."
Could you describe any strengths and / or weaknesses of this individual?

"Jim is a rock solid accountant. He knows his job inside and out. I can't really think of any weaknesses except maybe speaking in large groups - but most accountants aren't the greatest communicators."
Could you suggest anyone else that I should speak to regarding this individual?

"Not really. I already broke company policy by telling you as much as I have."
Additional Notes and Comments:
After leaving three messages for Mr. Jones, he was able to take my next call. Upon explaining the reason for my call, Mr. Jones agreed to speak with me. His tone was pleasant and professional although he seemed a bit busy or rushed. In addition to the above noted comments Mr. Jones stated: "Jim was a good employee and a good person. I wish him nothing but good luck in his professional pursuits. If I can be of any further help don't hesitate to call me and tell Jim I said 'hi.' ".

To order a Professional Level Reference Check, click here.

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